Friday, October 29, 2010


I never really thought of writing a blog, and a blog on such a topic - was never a tea of my cup.. but then it was saturday of 23rd october the evening sitting all alone by my room, i grabbed this newspaper- the "Times Of India" and came across this cover story which was about 4 pages and trust me -was really alarming. The whole argument dealt with what consequences our economic and materialistic national development with a selfish approach has on the eco-system esp. the other races,the other part of the food-chain, -the fauna! "Animals Under Attack!"

Never having been thinking about any of this stuff i suddenly started to get thousands of things moving around in my mind and i decided to jot 'em down but keeping all those to myself would have been a cruel deed to those races, and i found no other good media to spread a little awarness (atleast from my side) better than this blog and i seriously hope that this helps. If nothing this may spread a bit of awarness about what is going around with the natural animal habitat, the balance of the eco-system and the speedy extinction of one race by the other.

With much of a perturb caption, the argument in this context is quite an alarming issue to talk about. There was this incident being talked about in that cover story dealing with some women, resident of mumbai and her encounter with one of the most dangerous and poisonouss species of snakes found in asia -Russel's Viper. The poor being louging in a corner of someone's bathroom ,is that the place where it should have been? but that is not the question i am talking about. The Answer i need is for "what happened to the place where he belongs?" what about those forests? Where are they now?

Whenever you enter a mall or a city complex do you even realise that it was a place for several species to shelter themselves from the odds of life -a forest. No one ever gives a thought to such things and instead put up something like "what do i care if there was a forest or a demolished building?". You dont but they do, these species like the Russel's Viper who loudge in peoples bathrooms or that leopard found crouching in an ATM enclousure in Guwahati's Pan Bazaar area driven by sheer hunger from such shrinking jungle habitat, they do, just sometime try thinking what goes on them, where must they go and ask for help?

The warmth of sunshine in winters, the cold soothing breeze bringing life back in hot summer afternoon, the first rain of monsoons, the shedding of leaves and wearing out trees in autumn and spring bringing life back to them is not meant for just us but those poor beings too! They cant speak unlike us doesnt mean that they dont feel,neither does it mean that they are helpless, but it's us who can help them,it's we that the circumstances can be made better by. The present day is a proof of what they are asking is in a way much polite manner than it would be some 30 years from now. And then this day would be recalled and regretted of.

Well, all this doesnt mean that you need to think about those trees and animals that place had before that mall or society was built, but just give a thought the next time you are about to sweep some other area off such jungle habitat for a place where you think of residing, depriving a leopard of his place!

Developing our economy at the stake of our eco-system and harming other beings on the planet is not what i am in favour of and neither should any one else be!



Manmeet said...

Hey that was nice...
Loved the topic and the way u presented it...

please add the "FOLLOW" gadget in ur blog so people can follow it..

Syed said...

Glad to hear this from a lumberer.
Keep it up.


NICE one dude.........
keep it up..:-)

Unknown said...

thx @manmeet..n yea tell me if d follow gadget z dere now!
thx @anas.. n hehe i nvr thot of it tht way,,gud obsrvation! :p

Unknown said...

thx @mridul ..n i wd try my bst to gv u guyz d most with d most honest reports on this post..just keep up! :)

toptechhacks said...

hey paresh really great work bro ....
now i c dere is another paresh khanna whom we no in hostel ... really bro gud work...:) keep it up